Ställplats Kolstorpsjön - Reviews
szillm 2023/09/10

The sanitary facilities are located in the clubhouse, are a bit outdated, but clean!
The building is accessible via a PIN.
You can pay in the local ICA at the cash desk (card or cash) then you get the PIN. Or in cash at the clubhouse, then you have to ask the code from the campers, if no one from the club is there.
There is also a wheelchair toilet.
Water is also available at the clubhouse, but you can't go there with the camper and sewage can't be drained. The site is lighted.
There is one electric box for all, so a long cable may be necessary.
At night, the village youth met with the cars at the place, but they were then also soon gone.
Would I come back: Yes
Last Visit: September 2023
Last Visit: September 2023